You've all heard the story of Humpty the egg
who sat on a wall until he fell
Did you know that the egg was depressed?
He was just feeling empty, no more than a shell
His world was amiss and he didn't know why
He mourned the passion and love that he lacked
He didn't fall, just was tired of it all
and let me tell you..
one day he just cracked
There was not that much to it, and that was the tale
But the story was told in a slight different spin
so as to involve the government service
of all the kings horses and all the kings men
and the media took it and blasted the news
on every banner and board in the city
applauding the skill of heroes that tried
but couldn't save humpty, oh dear what a pity
They gave them all medals, the band played a tune
They had a parade for the men of the king
They made T-shirts and stickers and headlines for news
and songs about the kings men to sing
No more walls, they decided, for that was the cause
if Humpty could tumble, they others might too
No more buildings or fences or structures that towered
Lets get rid of them all, thats just what to do.
and benches and stools, lets get rid of them also
for someone could take a nasty fall
and anything.. anything.. taller than ground level
Heck with this stuff, lets get rid of it all
So they flattened the city and sat in the rubble
and cheered for themselves on the ground with a scoff
No Humpty's shall ever have to perish
for theres nothing that anyone could ever fall off.
They all looked around on incredibly nothing
and never knew this one little fact
It all was for nothing, and nothing was solved
and all was destroyed for one egg that just cracked
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
and all the kings horses and all the kings men
were for more broken than him
Society screams about the individual
But its the government that is the criminal
Pay attention to the media message and the truth that it lacks
or one day all of us might just crack