Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where to Start?

The idea of starting a blog is good, but only if your have something to say. 
If your tongue is tied and your fingers and flailing, then you might as well just go away
But I've started this blog to ramble and rant, and discuss the fine points of the day
So I'll say what I want, and I'll want what I say, and read if you like, okay?

I have so many thoughts in my brain right now, but I simply just cant get them out
They are hiding in crevices deep in my mind, covered in fear and in doubt
But I must coax them here, into the light and share what I am all about
and give credence to words and the title of this, to the brainwork I so highly tout

Be prepared for nonsense, and whimsical fun, and the occasional whimper or whine
Be they bad or good, indifferent or not, all the thoughts here are mine
So love me, despise me, feel nothing at all, whatever you feel it is fine
I'm just happy if you even read this at all.  If you do, drop me a line!!!  :)


  1. Tis nice that you would start this blog, this blog of lyrical thoughts.
    Your poetic words, they should be heard, and this is what I've sought. So I've come to Brainwork Blog to sit, enjoy, and read. Your beautiful mind, the way it rhymes, is a truly a treat indeed.
